Development of a differential endomicroscopic score to diagnose inflammatory bowel diseases
Today, the pathophysiological mechanisms remain to be elucidated and, from a clinical point of view, the differential diagnosis of bowel disease (IBD) remains difficult to establish and its evolution and management difficult to manage. This is especially true when the disease is suspected and in the early stage of bowel disease (IBD) where symptoms are mild and non-specific.
A research team has developed a novel endomicroscopic score for the differential diagnosis of bowel disease (IBD), combining 8 parameters from the quantitative analysis of endomicroscopic analyses. This new score could help clinicians make a differential diagnosis of bowel disease (IBD) more accurately and at an earlier stage, leading to improved patient management and care.
TRL4 - Démonstration en laboratoire
IN VIVO - Preuve de concept
UMR_S 1235 - TENS
Axe 4 : Cibles diagnostiques et thérapeutiques dans les pathologies chroniques digestives et du cerveau
FR : FR1652150 - filed on the 03-15-2016
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