Synergetic formulation including 2 neonicotinoids and one repellent to increase the mortality of resistant larvaes.
Malaria vector mosquitoes are getting more and more resistant to common insecticides. In this public health context of vector-borne diseases, health authorities like the WHO are looking for new strategies to reduce the risk of infection. They include limiting development of mosquitoes that are vectors of these often severe pathologies, for which there is no vaccine and no treatment.
Our research team has developed a very promising formulation, based on the synergy of 3 commercial ingredients:
- One neonicotinoïd (N1, already in the market, patent free).
- A second neonicotinoïd (N2, already in the market, patent free).
- A repellent ( R, already in the market, patent free).
This formulation shows excellent results as a larvicide on resistant anophele.
Tests had been carried out on Anopheles Gambiae larvaes, with 2 ultra-high insecticide resistance strains: AcerKis strain and KdrKis strain.
IN VIVO - Preuve de concept
UR 2647 - SIFCIR
EP : EP20183036.1 - filed on the 06-30-2020
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