Electrodes with optimized geometry to enhance both efficiency and purity in hydrogen production by electrolysis.
Bringing these electrodes closer together increases the efficiency of the operation but carries the risk of mixing hydrogen and oxygen. This, in turn, reduces the purity. Faced with this issue, the industry has developed separation membranes, which are expensive and wear out over time.
The ESMETE technology is a complementary approach, and potentially combinable with membranes: the geometry of the electrodes is optimized to collect the maximum amount of pure gas and prevent any mixing. In particular, they include protrusions and funnel-shaped conduits specifically designed to guide gas bubbles. This enhances the purity/efficiency combination as the electrodes can be close together without the risk of mixing.
TRL3 - Preuve de la faisabilité
UMR 6251 - IPR
Département Matière molle
FR : FR2309204 - filed on the 09-01-2023
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