Fluorescent and magnetic nanomaterials for bioimaging, tracking and diagnostics applications
The problem that NABIDI nanotrackers solve is the need for an efficient tool for in vitro and ex vivo correlative optical and electron microscopy (CLEM). NABIDI nanotrackers combine fluorescence and magnetism, making them an effective tool for this purpose.
The solution provided by NABIDI nanotrackers is their cohesive core-shell architecture, which combines a fluorescent organic core with a shell of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles.This combination offers very high brightness, making them suitable for long-term fluorescence microscopy investigations, and effective magnetic properties to extract NABIDI trackers from any medium in 30 min. In addition, NABIDI nanotrackers can be bioconjugated with desired bioagents for biorecognition applications.
TRL4 - Démonstration en laboratoire
Chimie et Interdisciplinarité : Synthèse, Analyse Modelisation
US : 14218368 - filed on the 03-18-2014
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