Biosourced Method for the Production of Phenols Using Recombinant Type III Polyketide Synthases (PKSIIIs) from Brown Algae - Ouest Valorisation

Biosourced Method for the Production of Phenols Using Recombinant Type III Polyketide Synthases (PKSIIIs) from Brown Algae

Phloroglucinol and resorcinol are important bulk chemical formultiple applications. They are used as an intermediate for pharmaceuticals, as a smooth muscle relaxant and as an antioxidant for the phloroglucinol. Resorcinol is also used as a chemical intermediate for the synthesis of other organic compounds. It is used in the production of diazo dyes and plasticizers and as a UV absorber in resins.

Traditionally, phloroglucinol and resorcinol are manufactured chemically but current manufacture employs benzene as a starting material. Benzene is carcinogenic and volatile and is obtained from nonrenewable petroleum feedstocks. Although biological processes for its production and its derivatives have been investigated.

The PKS3 project is based on the identifiation of the PKSIII enzyme and its recombinant active production within bacteria (E. Coli). The work of the research team has enabled the development of a piece of technology for in vitro synthesis of phenols (phloroglucinol and resorcinol). This technology enables responsible production, meaning the environmental impact is reduced in comparison to that of the highly polluting chemical route.
Phloroglucinol is a so-called ‘platform molecule’ from which it is possible to synthesise other more complex molecules.

Cosmetics industry
Adhesives - Resins
Pharmaceutical/Supplements industry
Agri-Food - Phytotherapy

Biosourced character of platform molecules, originating from marine organisms
Use of alternative, less dangerous, non-petrosourced molecules for industry
Diversifiation of sourcing for industry supportive of production by biotechnology
Long-term production of new bioactive compounds

E. siliculosus
Picto fusée
Stade de


Picto laboratoire
de recherche

UMR 8227 - LBI2M

Picto recherche
de recherche


Picto idée
intellectuelle associée

FR : FR1158728 - filed on the 09-29-2011

DV 772 - Biosourced Method for the Production of Phenols Using Recombinant Type III Polyketide Synthases (PKSIIIs) from Brown Algae

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