ACTIPHYTNESS - Ouest Valorisation

Innovative device capable of tracking physical activity that was originally developed to prevent frailty in the elderly

One of the main problems that Actiphytness addresses is frailty in the elderly. The state of frailty can be objectively diagnosed and prevented thanks to this innovation. The research team identified specific global and local characteristics that allow people to be classified as pre-frail, frail, or robust. The goal is to detect progressive debilitation in older adults at an early stage to prevent progressive worsening and decline in physical function.

Actiphytness is an innovative solution that allows physical activity to be monitored in detail and objectively diagnoses and prevents the progressive worsening and decline of physical function in the elderly. The device only requires data from an accelerometer and a barometer, which allows the development of an on-board device with low power consumption. This innovation has been the subject of two patent applications, a copyright and a trademark and has been the subject of several scientific publications.


Cette solution est faite pour vous si vous êtes :

  • Une entreprise qui souhaite utiliser la solution
  • Une entreprise qui souhaite commercialiser la solution
  • Une entreprise qui souhaite adapter la solution à son besoin
Picto fusée
Stade de

TRL5 - Développement de la technologie

Picto laboratoire
de recherche

UMR_S 1099 - LTSI

Picto recherche
de recherche


Picto idée
intellectuelle associée

EP : EP20306094.2 - filed on the 09-25-2020


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